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17 memories you'll have if you watched Skins religiously back in the day

Skins was basically just Jacqueline Wilson for teens.

1. Going into school in the morning to discuss what happened on the previous nights episode

GCSE results These girls are definitely discussing Skins and not the GCSE results that they're holding. Source: PA Archive/PA Images

It was serious business and anyone who missed it felt extremely left out.

2. Feeling nostalgic and trying to re-watch it only to realize that it’s objectively terrible

3. Seriously cringing at the acting in hindsight

Source: Skins/YouTube

It was pretty poor in each generation but the first was definitely the hardest to watch. Also, this scene is ridiculous. What teenage girl wants to go around a factory at 3.5mph on a forklift?

4. Hoping your parents wouldn’t come in and try watch TV with you while it was on

David Cameron visits Manchester Source: PA Archive/PA Images

Too embarrassing to watch with an adult. Plus they’d probably panic and think you were getting into one of those fake crazes that they heard concerned parents in America raving about on Dr Phil like a “pharm party“.

5. The weird people you recognize when you re-watch it

Source: Skins/YouTube

For instance, Olly Alexander from Years and Years was Cassie’s stalker in the final series.

6. Not questioning the fact that everyone died

Chris_miles Source: Wiki

There was a seriously disproportionate amount of death in the lives of these teenagers. Grace, Freddie, Chris, Naomi and that’s not even mentioning the random background characters that died. Everyone moved on from death very quickly.

7. Just wishing that Effy would give it a rest

8. Everyone copying the stupid things they did on the show, like blow backs

International Cannabis Day in Jerusalem Source: Nir Alon

There was always one person going around a gaff party where everyone had drank approximately two cans each, trying to talk someone into doing a blow back with them because they saw Naomi and Emily do it on Skins.

9. Being extremely disgusted at the American version of the series

Source: Skins Fansite/YouTube

They barely even drank and there was zero gratuitous cursing. They said the word ‘crap’ when something bad was happening for god’s sake. Our version was bad but this is really something else.

10. Making this realization as an adult

Effy was meant to be dark and mysterious but in reality she actually had no personality.

11. Every time you saw one of their phones close up they only had about three contacts in them

PastedImage-41832 Source: Youtube

These kids were supposed to have exciting lives but each of them had max five contacts in their phones.

12. Naomi and Emily were the best part of the show

PastedImage-75179 Source: Youtube

They had their issues but they were the only nice couple the show ever had. For once there was a lesbian couple on TV that were happy and didn’t die. That’s until Skins revived the whole series years later with the soul purpose of killing one of them. Thanks for that.

13. Realizing later that it was really weird how Cassie’s eating disorder was treated as a cute quirk in her personality

PastedImage-15529 Source: Youtube

There were probably better ways to deal with her storyline.

14. Feeling confused and uncomfortable when Sid sang Wild World by Cat Stevens when Tony was hit by the bus

Source: Skins/YouTube

15. Everyone was mad about Cook

16. All of the pointless plot twists

Any need for Freddie to be killed? What was the point in hitting Tony with a bus?

17. Time to Pretend by MGMT being the deepest and coolest song of the time

Source: MGMTVEVO/YouTube

MGMT’s album Oracular Spectacular, anything by Klaxons or Crystal Castles was the soundtrack of every child’s first pharm party. That’s a joke. There was definitely no such thing as a pharm party. Ever.

In reality the people who watched skins were terrified that their parents would come in during a sex scene and never would have been able to brush their teeth with MDMA or reenact any of the obnoxious carry-on in Skins.

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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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